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Go client for macrometa GDN

Implementation status

Endpoint Implemented Tested
API Keys No No
Auth No No
Key Value Yes Yes
Dymamo No No
Documents Yes Yes
Collections Yes Yes
Query Yes Yes
Query Workers Yes Yes
Indexes Yes Yes
Graphs Yes No
Streams No No
Stream IO No No
Search No No
Geo Fabric No No
Environments No No
Users No No
Billing No No
Import/Export No No
Compute No No
Data Centers No No
Admin No No
Support No No

Collection API

Http Endpoint Function Implemented Tested Done
Get /collection Fetches the list of all collections. Yes Yes Yes
Post /collection Create collection. Yes Yes Yes
Get /collection/{collection-name} Fetches the information about collection. Yes Yes Yes
Delete /collection/{collection-name} Remove the collection. Yes Yes Yes
Get /collection/{collection-name}/count Returns the number of documents in the collection. Yes Yes Yes
Put /collection/{collection-name}/truncate Truncate collection Yes Yes Yes
Put /collection/{collection-name}/properties Changes the properties of a collection. Yes Yes Yes

Document API

Http Endpoint Function Implemented Tested Done
Delete /document/{collection} Removes multiple documents Yes Yes Yes
Patch /document/{collection} Updates multiple documents Yes Yes Yes
Put /document/{collection} Replaces multiple documents Yes Yes Yes
Post /document/{collection} Create document Yes Yes Yes
Delete /document/{collection}/{key} Deletes one document Yes Yes Yes
Get /document/{collection}/{key} Gets one document Yes Yes Yes
Head /document/{collection}/{key} Like GET, but only returns the header fields No No No[1]
Patch /document/{collection}/{key} Updated one document Yes Yes Yes
Put /document/{collection}/{key} Replace one document Yes Yes Yes

[1] Custom HEAD method not supported in Golang http client

Graph API

| Http | Endpoint | Function | Implemented | Tested | Done | |——–|———————————————|————————————————–|————-|——–|——-| | Get | /graph | Lists all graphs stored in this database. | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Post | /graph | Create a graph | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Delete | /graph/{graph} | Deletes an existing graph object by name. | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Get | graph/{graph} | Get a graph | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Get | graph/{graph}/edge | Lists all edge collections within this graph. | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Post | /graph/{graph}/edge | Adds an additional edge definition to the graph. | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Post | /graph/{graph}/edge/{edgeCollection} | Creates a new edge in the collection. | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Put | /graph/{graph}/edge/{edgeCollection} | Replace an edge definition | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Delete | /graph/{graph}/edge/{edgeCollection} | Remove an edge definition | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Delete | /graph/{graph}/edge/{collection}/{edge} | Remove an edge | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Get | /graph/{graph}/edge/{collection}/{edge} | Get an Edge | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Patch | /graph/{graph}/edge/{collection}/{edge} | Modify an edge | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Put | /graph/{graph}/edge/{collection}/{edge} | Replace an edge | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Get | /graph/{graph}/vertex | List vertex collections | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Post | /graph/{graph}/vertex | Add vertex collection | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Delete | /graph/{graph}/vertex/{collection} | Remove vertex collection | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Post | /graph/{graph}/vertex/{collection} | Create a vertex | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Delete | /graph/{graph}/vertex/{collection}/{vertex} | Remove a vertex | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Get | /graph/{graph}/vertex/{collection}/{vertex} | Get a vertex | Yes | Yes | Yes | | patch | /graph/{graph}/vertex/{collection}/{vertex} | Update a vertex | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Put | /graph/{graph}/vertex/{collection}/{vertex} | Replace a vertex | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Get | /edges/{collection-id} | Read in- or outbound edges | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Post | /graphs/traversal | executes a traversal | No | No | No[1] |

[1] use query instead

Index API

Http Endpoint Function Implemented Tested Done
Get /index Read all indexes of a collection Yes Yes Yes
Get /index/{collection}/{indexName} Read one index of a collection Yes Yes Yes
Post /index/fulltext Creates fulltext index Yes Yes Yes
Post /index/general Creates a new index in collection No No No[1]
Post /index/geo Creates geo index Yes Yes Yes
Post /index/hash Creates hash index Yes Yes Yes
Post /index/persistent Creates a persistent index Yes Yes Yes
Post /index/skiplist Creates skip list index Yes Yes Yes
Post /index/ttl Creates TTl index Yes Yes Yes
Delete /index/{collection}/{indexName} Deletes index Yes Yes Yes

[1] Non-fixable error during request. Possible legacy endpoint that wasn’t removed.


Http Endpoint Function Implemented Tested Done
Get Count Get number of key-value pairs in collection. Yes Yes Yes
Get /kv/collection/keys Get all keys from key-value collection. Yes Yes Yes
Get /kv Lists all key-value collections. Yes Yes Yes
Post /kv/collection Create key-value collection. Yes Yes Yes
Delete /kv/collection Remove key-value collection. Yes Yes Yes
Get /kv/collection/value Get value from key-value collection. Yes Yes Yes
Delete /kv/collection/value Remove key-value pair Yes Yes Yes
Post /kv/collection/values Get some or all key-value pairs from collection. Yes Yes Yes
Delete /kv/collection/values Remove key-value pairs. Yes Yes Yes
Put /kv/collection/value Set one or more key-value pairs in key-value collection. Yes Yes Yes
Put /kv/collection/truncate Remove all key-value pairs in a collection. Yes Yes Yes

Query API

Http Endpoint Function Implemented Tested Done
Post /query ValidateQuery Yes Yes Yes
Post /cursor Query[1] yes Yes Yes
Post /query/explain ExplainQuery Yes Yes Yes

[1] Note, query is stateful and as such not thread safe.

Query Worker API

Http Endpoint Function Implemented Tested Done
Post /restql CreateQueryWorker Yes Yes Yes
Post /restql/execute/{name} RunQueryWorker yes Yes Yes
Get /restql/user ReadAllQueryWorkers Yes Yes Yes
Put /restql/{name} UpdateQueryWorker Yes Yes Yes
Delete /restql/{name} DeleteQueryWorker Yes Yes Yes

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